Services Offered
Caring for a loved one can be stressful. It can interfere with your work, your personal relationships, and even your ability to care for your loved one. If you are struggling, hospice may be the answer.
Hospice can provide comfort to your loved one, skilled care, and nursing visits. It can even help your family with things like supplies, equipment and hospice medications.
How Our Hospice Services Work
Under the direction of a physician, our team of clinicians offers a special kind of caring that encompasses the medical, social, emotional, and spiritual aspects of treatment. Our hospice provides:
24/7 availability, nurse on call
Having a nurse on call gives you peace of mind and a trusted
resource that can relieve stress.
Medical equipment covered and delivered
All medical equipment related to the hospice diagnosis is
Prescriptions related to hospice illness covered
With hospice, all medications related to the hospice
diagnosis are covered under the Medicare Benefit.
Incontinence and other supplies covered
All supplies related to the hospice diagnosis, such as
adult briefs, are covered.
Hospice Aide helps with personal care
Our aide provides a valuable service by assisting with personal
care such as bathing and dressing.
Social Work Services
Keystone Hospice's social workers are experienced guides through the many complex emotional and practical issues that are part of serious illness and death.
Spiritual Care
Our chaplains are trained and experienced spiritual care providers who serve by providing a caring, compassionate ministry of presence to patients and their loved ones.
Emotional support and education
One of the greatest benefits of hospice care for the caregiver is the emotional support and education provided by the entire hospice team.
Volunteers help enrich patient’s life
A hospice volunteer can provide relief for the caregiver and allow them to focus on other issues if needed.